Please allow me to spend a few words to describe my experience and my view on language and communication.
I’m a Dutch native with a lifetime of experience in conversing and writing in English. I love language and enjoy writing and translating both ways.
I have developed my love for language and communication while working as a usability engineer involved in the development of medical devices. In that capacity, I have had the opportunity to travel the world and the responsibility to meet and interact with countless people from many cultural backgrounds. It was my job, and pleasure, to bond with people, get them engaged in the conversation and help them relax up to a point that they freely and generously engage in conversation and share information.

“Good communication does not mean that you have to speak in perfectly formed sentences and paragraphs. It isn’t about slickness. Simple and clear go a long way.” – John Kotter
I find it easy to interact with people regardless of whether they are a nurse, a doctor, a manager, a CEO, or a cleaner. My communication style is informal but respectful and I have learned that I am able to reach individuals or groups using that same style, regardless of their cultural background or status. I translate that communication philosophy into my style of writing. I’m a strong believer in writing (or translating) text in a natural way that captures the essence of the message. Content must be designed to take into account the capabilities and limitations of the intended readers and should always be a pleasure to read. A text, any text, must grab the reader and entice them to continue reading. If I fail to accomplish that, the message gets lost in translation and your goals are never met.
“I know all those words, but that sentence makes no sense to me.” ― Matt Groening
Get in touch!
I would love to hear from you if you are looking for captivating content or translations. Call me at +31(0)653559459 or Send an email to henk@captivating-content.com
Fun fact – In linguistics, the complicated word “colloquialism” means ‘everyday speech, informal language
and common expressions.’ I promise I will never use “colloquialism” in the work I do foryou, unless you insist of course.